MTCPWU Youth committee

MTCPWU Youth committee
youth committee

Friday, December 4, 2009

Terms of reference of Youth Committee

Terms of reference of Youth Committee of the
Transport Communication and Petroleum Workers Union
Provision referred to in article of ‘’Policy on Child labour and Youth issue’’ approved by XVIIIth Congress of CMTU shall be establish Children and Youth Committee, Youth Group and create benefits for members, promote by finance by purpose of increase participation of youth within all level of the trade union, protect their right in labour or other relevant issue.

As end of 2005, there were 45.7 percent or 2983 of total 6533 members are young workers in the Union.

According to the constitution of the Mongolian Transport Communication and Petroleum Workers Union which was adopted by its 6th Conference, Youth and Children Committee was established and adopted its terms of reference.
It shall regulate aim, goal, structure, finance, activity guideline and other issue of the Youth Committee of branch trade union federation.
1. General provision
1.1.The age definition of the members should be below 35 years old which represented by affiliated branch trade unions and it shall be nonprofit, democratic joint.
1.2.The Committee shall have its emblem, song, slogan.
1.3. It may voluntarily join or resign from CMTU Youth Committee or affiliation of International Trade Union Federation
1.4. Youth Committee structure shall set up within Branch Trade Union Federation
2. Aim, goals, principle
2.1.The aim of the Youth Committee is to create conditions to protect a right of Children and Youth to work, legal interests in labor relations, and co-operate with Government, Employers and other agencies by purpose of promote the general interests of Youth.
2.2.The Youth Committee shall undertake its activity within the scope of “Constitution of Mongolia”, “Law on Rights of Mongolian Trade Unions”, “Constitution of Confederation of Mongolian Trade Unions, Rule of branch Trade Union Federations”, other legislation and international rightful norms and these statutes.
2.3.The Youth Committee in order to achieve its aim shall undertake and implement the following goals:
2.3.1.Create a new structures of Children and Youth Group within based on affiliated Branch Trade Unions.
2.3.2. To promote an active participation of affiliated Youth, to strengthen a solidarity of trade unions, to draw a contribution into establishment and development of humanitarian, civil and democratic society promoting all democratic values and fully realizing in own activities
2.3.3. To promote the participation of young trade unionists within all levels of the trade union’s Governing Body and Monitoring
2.3.4. To put regulation into CBA at national or branch level about matters affecting young people rights and their interests.

2.3.5. To represent the point of view and the interests of children and young workers to society and government and employers. If necessary it shall organize meetings and lawful demonstrations, strike, picket.
2.3.6. To strengthen a solidarity with Youth Committee of other trade unions and develop their mutual co-operation for benefit
2.3.7.To increase a membership number by satisfying a right of young people engaged in informal sector which is lack of knowledge about advantages of trade union or other establishments to join trade union
2.3.8. To upgrade education and knowledge of young people covering by training and implement internal or external projects by purpose of create structure of increasing membership.
2.3.9. Discrimination or establishment of limitations or privileges based on political party membership, ideology, labour rights, voting rights or discrimination at work place shall be prohibited.
2.3.10.Strengthen financially independent status of trade union
2.3.11. Co-operate with local or international Youth, Governmental organisation and NGO, share their experiences, promotion.
2.3.12.To liquidate any unacceptable form of forced or children labour, promote decent work, education and right to work.
2.3.13. To co-operate and resolve with other agencies in order to improve knowledge of trade union or
labour right issue to students who is studying at university of professional or branch issue.

3. Structure

3.1. Governing body of Youth Committee shall be the Representatives meeting. The meeting shall meet at least once a year.

3.1.1. Representatives meeting shall discuss and adopt yearly plan, strategy, activity directions, budget, membership, Presidium figures, its composition, nomination or renunciation of the Youth Committee.

3.1.2. Representatives shall be Head of their trade union Youth Group and members of branch trade union federations
3.2. Its Chair, Secretariat, Presidium who will be elected by the Youth Committee Representatives meeting and confirmed by Meeting of Branch trade union federations
3.2.1. Its Chair, Secretariat shall manage daily activity of Youth Committee and solve necessary issues by Presidium meeting.
3.2.2.Its Chair will discuss and approve their activity report to Representatives meeting of Youth Committee. Then it shall be discussed by Conference of Branch Trade Union Federations.

3.3. It will resolved by Representatives meeting of Youth Committee if majority two-thirds percent of all affiliated trade union members or representatives demanded for dissolution of the Youth Committee and dismiss the Chair or Secretariat.

4.Rights and duties of Youth Group

4.1. Its Chair who will be elected by their trade union’s Meeting of Youth members .

4.2.Members of Youth Group shall have rights to nominate for their Governing Body, and rights on eligibility or pronounce, involve in activity by their representatives or himself, rights on protection his interests and promotions.
4.3. Responsibility of Youth Group is to respect for decision of Branch Youth Committee and shall actively involve and support in their activity and shall be prohibited to interrupt by illegally to their activity.
4.4. Activity budget of the Youth Group shall be submitted to all members meeting of the affiliated Trade Unions for approval


5.1.Activity budget of the Youth committee shall be submitted to a meeting of the branch Trade Union Federation for approval
5.2. Within the framework of expanding and supporting activity of Youth Committee shall have
Solidarity, Children and Youth Development foundations, and shall implement other projects.
5.3. Youth Committee of branch Trade Union Federation shall use their own stamp and blank.

In london

Country report of MTCPWU Youth Committee

Country report of MTCPWU Youth Committee

(Mongolian Transport, Communication and Petroleum Worker’s Union)

Mr. Ragchaa 9-10 Dec 09, London, UK

Member of ITF Youth Committee ITF Youth Steering

Chair of MTCPWU Youth Committee committee meeting

Labour market trends

As 2008 the population of working age was 1740 thousand, its been increased by 105.6 percent this year and from those 61.4 percent is youth aged 35. 46 percent of CMTU paid members are youth aged 35. Youth unemployment rate is

Historical background

CMTU has been implemented policies and activities on protecting members labour rights and their interests which were covered all types of aged workers such as youth, middle aged, old age. But there was no particularly policy and activity targeted to youth till 1990.

CMTU Youth Standing Group first established in 1994 beside it, decision of establishment youth committee structure at 35 affiliated trade union federations and enterprise-based unions approved by the 17th Congress of CMTU in 2000.

In 2004 industrial trade union federations created Youth Committee and Youth group at enterprise-based unions by its 6th Conference and adopted Terms of Reference of Youth Committee. It was the main base of promoting active participation of Youth. Youth Committee of MTCPWU was delivered proposal of establishment of ITF Youth Committee to the 41th ITF Congress which were held in Durban, South Africa in 2006.


47 percent of the members of industrial trade union federations are youth aged below 35.

49.3 percent out of it from automotive transport sector and 48.2 percent is from civil aviation.

All together 29 Youth Groups at enterprise-based unions are focusing on youth issue out of total 40 enterprise-based unions. Chair of Youth Groups directly appointed as member of Youth Committee of industrial trade union federations. Meeting of Youth Committee discusses and approves its structure, planning and activities reports. It consists 9 board members, 2 from civil aviation, 2 from automotive transport, 2 from communication, post, 2 from petroleum.


Basic activities

  • Advertises about trade union activities to young members and distributes related material, brochure, leaflet, handbook and hands-free phone etc

o Conducts training, workshop on Basic knowledge of trade union, increasing knowledge of labour and social security laws, upgrades english knowledge and lecture among the youth

  • Provides free charge of legal advises on labour related issue as well as promotes legal advocacy service
  • Negotiates social issues of youth by CBA (collective bargaining and agreement) for instance; housing young family, special training and retraining requirements, training for a new occupation, benefits for married young family and benefits in case of called for the active duty in the army etc.

o Organizes sport activities, performance and a trip to natural beautiful places, walking tour in order to spend effective free time


To develop trade union policy of youth and implement activities on promoting youth employment, reducing poverty, discrimination at workplace

We are proposing proposals to the next ??th ITF Congress in order to approve youth policy which is listed as below issues as:

To create youth structure such as committees and groups at all level of unions and promote their activities by financial resource in order to keep its sustainable and independent status

To support an active participation of youth to trade union policy its activity and promote youth representatives at all level of unions and an active participation of youth to decision making level of trade unions such as congress, conference and other.

To develop policy, strategy on organizing young workers and implement it effectively, organize campaign on this issue at international and national level

To conduct course or training under the theme among the youth at international level in order to develop tomorrow’s young leader of trade union

To disseminate information of advantage of being union member to the youth cooperating with mass media

To influence and improve the working condition of youth who works in informal economy and protect their labour rights and their interests, prevent such a violation of labour rights

To call to all affiliated organizations to approve our comments in their policy and activities in order to promote youth activity and participation.

Thank you for your kind attention.
